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Europastrav ECO Salata de icre de pastrav

150 g


This product stays fresh for an average of 5 days after delivery, with a guaranteed minimum of 3 days. If you are not satisfied we will give you a refund.
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Country: România,
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 Despre producator

S.C. EuroPastrav S.R.L. este o companie infiintata in 2006, pe baza accesarii unor fonduri europene. Avem ca scop principal productia de pastrav curcubeu de consum, de calitate superioara. Pastravaria are sediul in Rastolita, fiind parte integranta a retelei Europa Natura 2000 „ROSCI0019 Calimani – Gurghiu”.

Inregistram o capacitate de productie proiectata de aproximativ 75 tone/an de pastrav curcubeu de cea mai inalta calitate. 

EuroPastrav Are Multe De Oferit!

Prospetime - producem si distribuim pastrav curcubeu de consum, proaspat, BIO si de maxima calitate. 
Singura pastravarie din tara certificata UE si una din putinele pastravarii licentele in acvacultura.

Recomandare de pastrare

A se pastra intre 0-4 grade.


Average durability from the time of delivery: 5 days.

Guaranteed minimum durability from the time of delivery: 3 days.If the minimum durability is lower, please contact us and ask for a refund. Not applicable to items from the Save the Food section.

icre de păstrăv (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Bio, griș Bio, ulei de floarea soarelui Bio, sare, suc de lămâie/lămâie Bio.

Nutritional values per 100 g

Energy value1387 kJ/331 kCal
Fats19.9 g
including saturated fatty acids g
Carbohydrates34.2 g
including sugars g
Protein3.6 g
Salt0.5 g
Fibre g